Monday, March 7

Judgement and Drama

I choose to keep myself out of drama, I also choose to be the kind of person that lifts up others instead of judging them. I wish I could say the same for other 'adults'. I have no shame so here are the messages that were posted.

Her: ok, dont get me wrong, you have the right to apply for assistance. but, you have your own business your spouse works and you are trying to get on MEDICADE to see about haveing a baby.. right? You have only been married since july 2010 maybe God is telling you that you need to wait.. give it a little time.. trust me its is best to enjoy your married life first then have children.. You shouldnt want to have a baby becasue everyone else is. just let it go and God will bless you.. you are putting too much thought into it.really gets me tho so many jumping on the "government assistance program that really should not be there.. sorry,, thats my soap box..

Me: Yes, I do have the right to apply for assistance. That is about the only thing in this message you are correct on. I have not had insurance since 2005 and I lost it right after I had my first miscarriage, so after my D&C I haven't seen a doctor since. I do not qualify for insurance because of preexisting conditions. Conditions that are the reason why I lost my first child, and are the same conditions keeping me from getting pregnant now. The entire time I worked, I paid into medicaid for other people, and my husband continues to pay into the program. He makes around $1000 a month so as you can see, after a mortgage, power, water, and other bills my medical problems get put on the back burner as far as money goes. As far as my business, I charge enough to pay for my supplies and packaging, not enough to make any sort of living off of. I started my business as a way to use the talents God gave me to allow others to have their memories capture when they wouldn't normally be able to afford it, not to supplement an income. Not that that should matter to you at all. Yes, I have been married since July of 2010, but I have been with my husband for nearly 6 years. If we feel that right now is the right time for us to have a child, then that is our right to do so, and not your right to judge us for it. God puts desires into our heart for a reason, and a child is my desire. I'm sorry you feel like I'm jumping at government assistance, but I do not collect food stamps, nor am I on welfare, and I have paid into medicaid since I was 15 years old. You can now put your soap box away and pick up your Bible. There you will find the verse, Judge not les you be judged. I am a very encouraging person and I go out of my way to support other and not speak negatively about people. For that I will be blessed by God. I wish I could say the same for you. You constantly complain and you always have something to say about everything, and it's usually not in a positive light. For that God will take care of you. Like I said, it is none of my business how you choose to live your life, and it's none of yours how I live mine. Feel free to delete me from here if you don't like my choices. I've been praying for and your family and I will continue to do so.

Her: Well, I have paid into the system Also, but just don't forget to mention your tax free income from your .business.

Me:As have I. Please get over yourself and realize you are wrong. Take care of your children and your family and leave everyone else alone. Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean you need to voice it. I have many opinions of you, but out of respect I choose to keep them to myself. Do the same. I pay my taxes, thank you. Again, none of your business.

Her:You have to understand, young people like yourself d Should be working and therefore coverd under insurance. Medicare is for people who are not able to work and have insurance . Too many mothers are why our state is broke now

Me: It didn't finish your message, but let me stop you right there, young people like me are the ones in school so that when you get old you have someone to take care of you. Young people like me (and your two children) are the ones moving this nation forward. Young people like me are the reasons why you will end up with social security benefits while we go without after it's gone. Don't judge young people like me, because at one point you were a young person as well. I am done with this conversation. Please don't contact me again. I do work. I have worked since I was 15. I don't qualify for insurance because the full time jobs that offer it are simply not available. It's good to know you think that women like yourself and your daughter who have children are the reason our state is broke.

And I reported her for harassment and blocked her. The end.

The thing is is that I try so hard to be there for people. To be there for other people, to encourage people, and to be positive as much as possible. I try so hard to help others as much as I can. It hurts that when I'm at my lowest and scared to death of what the doctor is going to say, I have someone attack me for stealing from the government. REALLY? It's so hurtful.

1 comment:

  1. wow. that was the most preposterous thing i have ever seen. I cannot believe she would be so arrogant. I have no idea who this woman is, but know that her opinion of you is dead wrong,her judgement of you is totally and completely uncalled for and unwarranted. Ew. Good luck with your baby journey. I know you will get the baby you desire soon. You are too good a person not to have a munchkin. and it will be an adorable and lucky little munchkin at that. ;]] all the best to you and yours
