I got our foster family application in today. My stomach was full of butterflies then it felt like the butterflies turned to rocks as I read it. It asked a lot about our religion and where we go to church. I am not a religious person in the slightest. I enjoy the fellowship of church and I enjoy hearing the preacher's take on the Bible, but I don't build my life around it. I am however a very spiritual person, and I build my life around the teachings of Jesus Christ. Loving others, being a good person, putting needs of those around me before my own, never turning away a person in need, helping in anyway and every way I can, giving of myself. That is my religion. That's hard to put down on a piece of paper. I know that's not what they are looking for. I know they are looking for "Lauryn Johnson- Baptist, Eulation First Baptist", but I can't be defined on one line like that. They are asking about Randy's religious beliefs as well. He was brought up Church of Christ, but he no longer attends church. Not because he has anything against it, but he works every Sunday, and if he's not working he's sleeping. We are good people. We are loving people. We would be an attribute to their program, but what if these details of our personal life aren't good enough for them.
The letter says to expect the process to take up to 6 months for interviews and home studies to be completed but they try to expedite the wait to make it as short as they can.
We are choosing ages 0-4. I think it will be a great age range for us. I am also choosing to accept a boy or a girl. I am completely open. If a child needs me, I'll be there.
Lauryn, even if they initially don't understand the one line about religion, I think that once they meet you and Randy they will get it. Your big heart is a blessing that was given to you by God, and you let your light shine by loving others with all your heart. If they don't see that then they are blind.